Rights, respect and recovery: Scotland's strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use

Date: 18th December 2018
Category: Basic Health and Welfare
Author: Scottish Government


The Scottish Government has published its strategy to improve health by reducing alcohol and drug use in order to prevent harm and related deaths. 

The report dedicates its sixth chapter to outlining the elements of its strategy for children, young people and their families and what actions will be taken to achieve this in line with the principles of Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).  

As well as continuing to invest in the Family Recovery Initiative Fund which aims to strengthen the capacity of family support in Scotland, the Scottish Government also makes a commitment to investing in approaches which involve children and young people in the planning, development and delivery of services. Furthermore, it aims to improve collaborative working at a strategic and service delivery level across Scotland through the delivery of the Child Protection Improvement Programme, launched in 2016 

The report frames its strategy around existing legislation and policy frameworks. Whilst the report does not explicitly link its strategy to children’s rights, the report acknowledges the Scottish Government’s commitment to undertaking a comprehensive audit on how to further embed the principles of the UNCRC into policy and legislation. 

Read the report here: Rights, respect and recovery: Scotland's strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths