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xTrauma, Bereavement and Loss: Key learning and messages from research and practice
Date: 14th August 2019
Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms
Children and Young People's Centre for Justice

This new publication summarises findings from five years’ worth of policy, practice and research by CYCJ, Barnardo’s Scotland and the University of Strathclyde, informing the development of trauma-informed approaches.
This publication covers five research papers with a central focus on loss and bereavement experiences of young people in custody:
- Research Paper 1: The Ripples of Death: Exploring the Bereavement Experiences and Mental Health of Young Men in Custody
- Research Paper 2: Our Lives with Others: An evaluation of trauma, bereavement and loss developments at HMYOI Polmont
- Research Paper 3: “It’s knowing the right things to say and do.” Challenges and opportunities for trauma-informed practice in the prison context
- Research Paper 4: The trauma, bereavement and loss experiences of women in prison
- Research Paper 5: Here and Now: An evaluation of Barnardo’s trauma, bereavement and loss service in schools
The second and the third research papers also engage with the perceptions and views of prison staff. While the last paper explores young people’s, carers’, Barnardo’s and school staff’s experiences of trauma, bereavement and loss service provided in schools.