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xGuidance on responding to domestic abuse
Date: 11th September 2019
Basic Health and Welfare

Scottish Women’s Aid has published good practice guidance for social landlords to help them prevent women and children’s homelessness and provide a service that is sensitive to their needs.
The guidance includes good practice examples, checklists for best practice in responding to domestic abuse and templates for domestic abuse policies.
It is envisaged to help professionals:
- Respond effectively to tenants and prospective tenants who are experiencing or perpetrating domestic abuse
- Support tenants who are victims of domestic abuse
- Minimise disruption to such tenants and their children so they can maintain family and community connections, employment, education etc.
- Hold tenants who perpetrate domestic abuse to account
- Prevent domestic abuse from occurring/re-occurring
The publication is produced in partnership with the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers, the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and Shelter Scotland.
- Access the guide here.