COVID-19: Heids Together

Date: 21st August 2020
Category: Health and health services, Mental health
Author: Youthlink Scotland


Staff at YouthLink Scotland have put their ‘heids together’ with leading mental health charities Penumbra and See Me Scotland to create a collection of free, online resources for youth workers to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the health and wellbeing of young people in Scotland.

Youth Work D&G, St Mungo’s Academy in Glasgow, Scouts Scotland, LGBT Youth Scotland, Glasgow Life and Passion4Fusion all submitted resources to Heids Together, which now includes: podcasts, e-books, training toolkits and lesson plans. All are full of information and advice on how to address key issues for young people impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues covered include isolation, anxiety and bereavement, as well as loss of friendship, self-harm and experiencing COVID-19 as a member of the LGBTQI and BAME communities.

Access Heids Together here.