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xWhat the UNCRC means to children’s healthcare
Date: 10th December 2020
Basic Health and Welfare

A new booklet has been developed for healthcare professionals to explore and learn about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the importance of these rights in healthcare settings. The resources were co-produced with children and young people.
The resource has been developed by RCPCH &Us - a network for children, young people, parents and carers actively seeking to share their views to shape policy and practice.
Children and young people in RCPCH & Us picked five UNCRC Articles that they said are important to their health care. These five UNCRC Articles have been developed into a resource booklet for healthcare workers to protect, promote and enable children’s rights. The booklet includes starter activities to break the ice, patient's view finders for one-to-one work, and quality improvement activities to support groups of children, young people, and their families to inform your work and service planning.