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xNew blog on early learning and childcare implementation
Date: 8th July 2022
Social security and childcare

An aim of expanding early learning and childcare is to close the attainment gap and provide funded childcare to parents. Whilst supporting this aim, Graeme McAlister, Chief Executive of SCMA, also expresses concerns on how this planned expansion has been implemented across Scotland. Within this blog, Graeme explores what impact this has on the childminding workforce.
Graeme discusses the several major weaknesses or failings in policy implementation during the expansion of early learning and childcare (ELC). Some of these include:
- Inequitable and inconsistent local implementation of national ELC policy. This includes the continued prioritisation of local authority nursery provision and insufficient inclusion of childminders in funded ELC delivery.
- A significant increase in bureaucracy and paperwork including duplicative quality assurance under ELC expansion. This has affected childminders, as predominantly sole workers, disproportionately and is now the main reason that childminders have left or are planning to leave the profession.
- The relatively new requirement for practitioner qualifications.