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xCost of the school day: ideas bank
Date: 13th February 2023
Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Child poverty

Aimed at children’s practitioners and school communities, this new resource includes 40 case studies demonstrating tried and tested ways to reduce costs in schools to ensure all children can take part in the school day.
With the cost of living crisis and looming austerity measures, families and children should not be unable to afford the cost of the school day.
In partnership with Public Health Scotland, CPAG has spoken to schools around Scotland and created an online platform to share different ideas and measure they have introduced to reduce costs of the school day for children and families in the hope that these initiatives inspire other school communities to do the same.
The Ideas Bank includes measures like introducing themed lunch days to in order to boost free school meal uptakes, highlighting the financial support and entitlements available through mass texts and emails, and designing affordable policies on things like uniforms while involving and consulting pupils and families.