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xStaying Connected Project: Care-Experienced children and young people with a sibling in prison or secure accommodation
Date: 18th December 2023
Looked after children, Family Environment and Alternative Care

This research is about the significant impact on children and young people who are separated from siblings through care arrangement. It aims to address the gaps in knowledge around children and young people’s experience of sibling separation where their brother or sister is in prison or secure care.
Most of the children who took part in this research had experienced separation from their brothers and sisters due to being within different care placements.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in its recent recommendations to the UK and Scottish Government recommends that governments and other duty bearers ensure all children in alternative care have access to independent, well resourced, child-friendly advocacy services and specialised support, including mental health and therapeutic services and are able to maintain contact with their family members and communities, including by ensuring their access to independence visitor services.