New report: parenting evidence review Scotland

Date: 24th June 2024
Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, General measures of implementation
Author: Parenting across Scotland

new report in text

In order to understand the key issues, needs and priorities faced by parents and those in parenting roles in Scotland, Parenting Across Scotland issued an invitation to tender at the end of 2023. Following a competitive process, The Lines Between was selected to review evidence published throughout 2023 in Scotland.

The report reviews research conducted with parents and carers in Scotland, published in 2023. The evidence spans research from over 4,000 parents and carers across 26 local authorities. It covers the experiences of various groups, including single parents, Black or minority ethnic parents, disabled parents or those with disabled children, refugees, parents seeking asylum, carers, parents with care experience, parents who have had a child placed into the care system, and adoptive parents.

The research identifies three priority policy areas:

  • Financial support and housing services
  • Physical and mental health
  • Education and childcare

The aim is for this report to serve as a strong basis of existing knowledge for the third sector, helping to inform policy and influence positive change for parents and carers across Scotland.