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xAction for advocacy
Date: 19th March 2025
Looked after children, Respect for the views of the child, Access to appropriate information
Who Cares? Scotland

Too many Care Experienced people cannot access independent advocacy when they need it. Who Cares? Scotland launched the lifelong campaign two years ago to push for a legal right to advocacy support and secure lifelong rights for Care Experienced people in Scotland.
Currently, advocacy services across Scotland are inconsistent, leaving many without the support they need. Enshrining independent relationship-based advocacy in law will ensure that Care Experienced people can access vital support throughout their lives. Real-life examples show the difference advocacy makes, from helping a young person reunite with siblings to guiding adults towards essential housing support.
The Promise made it clear that Care Experienced children and adults must have the right and access to independent advocacy, at all stages of their experience of care and beyond. Yet five years later many still struggle to access independent advocacy when they need it the most. With the Promise Bill set to be introduced this year, Who Cares says now is the time to act. Who Cares Scotland is calling for a statutory right to independent, relationship-based, lifelong advocacy for all Care Experienced people who need it.