Keeping children safe in Scotland

Date: 19th March 2025
Category: Protection from abuse or neglect

Illustration shows a child being comforted with a hug from their carer.

This is online resource provides guides for children, young people and families who may become involved in child protection process either directly as a child or parent/carer or as a member of the wider family, and for those who may be supporting a child.

This follows a commitment made when the National Child Protection Guidance was updated in 2023, aiming to make information more accessible and easier to understand.

The Scottish Government commissioned CELCIS (the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection) to develop the content. CELCIS worked closely with children, young people, parents, carers, and professionals from social work, health, education, police, and the third sector to ensure the guides reflect real life experiences and needs.

While the guides can be accessed directly by children, young people and families, practitioners are expected to support children and young people when accessing the guides.

Downloadable versions of the guides are also available to enable people to print off to read.