New report on Care Experienced people and the Scottish Human Rights Bill

Date: 5th October 2023
Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
Author: Who Cares? Scotland

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The Human Rights Consortium Scotland, with Who Cares? Scotland, has commissioned a new briefing paper on Care Experienced people and Scotland's new Human Rights Bill.

The paper is authored by Dr David Scott from the Scottish Council on Global Affairs and the Glasgow Centre for International Law and Security, University of Glasgow.

The briefing paper identifies the specific needs of Care Experienced people, and analyses the ways in which the Scottish Human Rights Bill could protect their rights. This paper is a useful resource for consideration of the Scottish Human Rights Bill.

Care Experienced people often face direct and indirect discrimination by public bodies. This new report shows that the specific disadvantage they face needs recognition in the Bill.

Care Experienced children continue to face significant challenges in having their rights upheld. The Promise set out over 80 conclusions on what needs to change to support Care Experienced people, including children. In a recent review of the UK by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, it recommended that the UK and devolved governments:

Ensure that the principle of the best interests of the child is consistently applied in all policies, programmes and legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings affecting children, including in relation to placement in alternative care, domestic violence, custody, trafficking, child justice, migration and asylum procedures”.

If the new Human Rights Bill aims to be fully respecting of all people’s rights, the best interests of children with Care Experience must be reflected within.
