This section contains information about how children’s rights are protected in Scotland. It is important that children's rights as set out in the UNCRC are protected in law, policy and practice. 


The UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 entered into force on 16th July 2024.

There are also other laws that protect or promote children’s rights, including:


Scottish Government can use child rights and wellbeing impact assessments (CRWIAs) to assess how Scottish Government policies and legislation impact children’s rights. Learn more about CRWIAs.


Real change for children and young people can only happen when adults listen to them and act on what is heard. Read more about the ways in which children and young people are involved in decision-making.

The Scottish Government has produced a ‘10-minute training tool’ to help people learn about children's human rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Access introducing children's rights, ten minute training tool.

Together has worked alongside partners, funded by the Scottish Government, to produce the Children's Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework for individual workers who want to build or reflect on their children’s rights knowledge and take a children’s human rights approach to their practice.