Illustration shows child being comforted with a hug from their carer - and their teddy bear!

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when you tell us that something is wrong or you’re not happy with something we did.

Who can complain?

Anyone can complain to us about something that Together has done! That means you, your friends, or anyone else who thinks something we’ve done isn't right. You can ask a supportive adult to help you complain if you want.

Together can only take care of complaints about our work, and not the work of other organisations (like schools, other charities or other places that work with children and young people).

How to complain?

You can tell us in any way you like.

For example you can:

  • Send us an email
  • Call us on the phone
  • Tell us in person
  • Write us a letter

What happens when you complain?

We have two steps to take care of complaints:

  • Step 1: Quick Fix
    • When we get your complaint, our Director (the person in charge) will write down what you told us.
    • Within five days, we will tell you we got your complaint.
    • The Director will talk to you to try to solve the problem. We might call you or invite you to our office.
    • We will try to fix the problem in 10 days or less.
  • Step 2: Bigger Investigation
    • If we can't fix the problem quickly, we will tell the Board of Trustees (a group of people who help run things).
    • The Chair (leader of the Board) will talk to you and find out more.
    • They will write a report about what happened and what we should do to fix it.
    • Within 28 days, we will tell you what we found out and what we are going to do about it.

Learning and getting better at what we do

Our Board of Trustees will look at all the complaints we get and see how we can get better at what we do.

We know it can sometimes feel difficult to complain but we don’t want you to worry. We are here to listen and to try and correct anything we have done wrong. We promise to treat you with dignity and respect and will do everything we can to help make things better for you.

Contact information

If you need to complain, you can contact us by:

  • Email:
  • By telephone: 0131 510 1565 – you can leave a message and we can get back to you!
  • By post: Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights) - The Melting Pot, 15 Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DL.
  • Talking to a member of staff at any in-person meeting/event.