
1) Child Rights Budgeting Video

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

Five minute video about child rights budgeting. Useful for individuals looking to understand the basics of child rights budgeting.

2) Public Budgets: How Governments Should Spend Money for Children’s Rights

Centre for Children’s Rights, Queen’s University Belfast

A website with a link to download a seven page pdf with a child friendly version of UN advice on how to budget for children's rights. Useful for individuals looking to understand the basics of child rights budgeting.

3) Budget allocation section in Guidance on taking a children's human rights approach

Scottish Government

Information and resources to support public authorities and other organisations to implement a children’s human rights approach (CHRA). Section 4.2.2 on Budget allocation covers child rights budgeting.


1) Scenario - Accessible Local Authority Budget Process

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

A two page pdf detailing a scenario of children's rights in practice, where a local authority makes their budget process accessible for children and young people. Useful for individuals involved in budget processes.

2) Child Rights Budgeting Video

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

10 minute video about child rights budgeting. Useful for individuals looking to understand the basics of child rights budgeting.


1) UNCRC General Comment No. 19: On public budgeting for the realisation of children’s rights

Committee on the Rights of the Child

A website page with download links to the UN Committee General Comment No. 19 in six languages and three different formats. The General Comment is 23 pages long and is useful for individuals or organisations looking for guidance on child right's budgeting.

2) Child Rights Budgeting in Scotland: Recommendations for Fulfilment of Legal Obligations

Alexander Pedersen, Fiona Campbell, Isobel Mintz, Mariam Tavdgiridze, Praise Ladringan

A 62 page pdf detailing how budgets can support children's rights. Useful for individuals looking to understand children's rights budgeting in detail.

3) Child-Participatory Budgeting: A review of global practice

Dr Chelsea Marshall, Professor Laura Lundy and Dr Karen Orr

A 44 page pdf which details child participatory budgeting, including case studies. Useful for individuals and organisations who want to involve children and young people in budgeting.

4) Being Bold: Building Budgets for Children's Wellbeing

Dr Katherine Trebeck, Amy Baker, Children in Scotland, Cattanach, Carnegie UK

A 98 page pdf report which details actions that could be taken to improve children and young people's health through budgeting. Useful for individuals looking to further their understanding on how budgeting can support children and young people.

A folder with a magnifying glass, with three pages emanating from it.

This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.