
1) Films on the UNCRC

Into Film

A website listing films that can help children and young people explore their rights. Useful for individuals looking to support children and young people's understanding of their rights.

2) Children’s Rights and the UNCRC in Scotland: An Exploration of Rights in our Communities

Scottish Government

An introductory video exploring children's rights. Useful for individuals looking to support children and young people's understanding of their rights.

3) UNCRC Overview Public - A summary of the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scots Law

Education Scotland

A video summary of the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scots Law made before the final act was agreed. Useful for individuals looking to support children and young people's understanding of their rights.

4) What is the UNCRC

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

Introductory video explaining the UNCRC. Useful for individuals looking to support children and young people's understanding of their rights.

5) Your Guide to Children’s Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: A booklet for parents, carers and family members

Parent Club

An eight page guide to children's rights and the UNCRC Useful for individuals looking to support parents, carers and families understanding of children's rights.


1) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): Advice for nurseries

National Day Nurseries Association

Resources to support NDNA members with UNCRC in early years settings.

2) St Paul’s Rights Journey

St Paul's Primary School Shettleston

A nine minute video detailing the journey of St Paul's Primary School in Shettleston as they went from a Silver Rights Respecting School to a Gold Rights Respecting School. Useful for individuals working in primary education or who are looking to see an example of children's rights practice.

3) How to Write an Acrostic Poem on Rights

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

An activity for children and young people describing how to write an acrostic poem on rights. Useful for individuals looking to support children and young people's understanding of their rights.

4) Child Friendly General Comment No. 26 - Protect Children's Rights and Our Planet: Animation

Terre des Hommes Deutschland

This four minute video outlines the guidance for governments in relation to children's rights and the environment and climate change. This is suitable for individuals working directly with children/young people to help them use this general comment as a tool to advocate for change.


1) Child Rights Education with Children Aged 0-6 Years - Discussion Paper


This 16 page discussion paper presents the findings of a literature review in relation to child rights education with very young children, and the outcomes of some informal research. It proposes that by using fun and creative age-appropriate techniques, very young children can learn about their rights. Useful for workers in the early years who want to support learning about the UNCRC.

A folder with a magnifying glass, with three pages emanating from it.

This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.