
1) Supporting children to share their views

My Rights, My Say

A three page document on how to support children with additional support needs to share their views in a way that is meaningful to them. It includes best practice, an introduction to the Lundy model of participation, ways to gather children’s views and external support for children and professionals.

2) Shier's Pathways to Participation Model

Ministry of Youth Development

An infographic detailing different levels of children and young people's participation. Useful for individuals or organisations looking to involve infants, children and young people in participation.

3) Recording ‘voice’ and including non-verbal communicators

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

A one page pdf case study detailing the work of Aberdeen City Council's Rights Service supporting the recording of infants, children, and young people's views. Useful for social workers and other roles recording input from infants, children, and young people.

4) Starcatchers Engagement Signals PDF


A two page PDF on the Starcatcher engagement signals, initially developed to inform different ways babies and young children engage in expressive arts experiences. Useful for early years practitioners.

5) Scenario - Children's Rights in Cultural Spaces

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

A two page pdf detailing a scenario where an arm's length organisation that runs cultural spaces is looking to support children and young people to give their views on the services offered. Useful for individuals looking for an example of supporting children and young people to engage in services.

6) Rights Respecting Schools Award Article of the Week: Pupils from a Gold Rights Respecting School introduce Articles 12 & 13

The Rights Respecting Schools Award UNICEF UK

A video where pupils from a Gold Rights Respecting School introduce Articles 12 and 13. Useful for individuals looking to increase their understanding of children's rights.


1) Involving children, young people, parents and carers in planning to meet children’s wellbeing needs

Alliance: Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

A 20 page pdf which provides information on inclusive communication to ensure children, young people, their parents and carers are involved in identifying their support needs. It contains prompts before discussions and resources, such as meeting invites, that can be adapted to facilitate inclusive communication. Can be tailored to different settings. Please note that some links to additional information are no longer live.

2) Decision-making: children and young people's participation

Scottish Government

Participation guidance to support public authorities to engage with children and young people as part of their decision-making. 

3) Starcatchers Engagement Signals Video


A three minute video on the Starcatcher engagement signals, initially developed to inform different ways babies and young children engage in expressive arts experiences. Useful for people engaging with very young children.

4) The Role of Arts and Creative Experiences Within an Early Years Rights Context


A seven page pdf from Starcatchers detailing the role of arts and creative experiences within an early years rights context, including case studies. Useful for people engaging with very young children.


1) Multi-dimensional lens to article 12 of the UNCRC: a model to enhance children’s participation

Patricio Cuevas-Parra

This 15 page paper builds on the Lundy model for child participation to include additional elements: ‘intersecting identities’, ‘enabling environments’ and ‘dimension factors’. The revised model seeks to address complex forms of exclusion and marginalisation which result from a range of intersecting social identities.

2) Voice of the Infant: Best Practice Guidelines and Infant Pledge

Scottish Government

Guidance on how to take account of infants' views and rights in all encounters they may have with professionals in statutory or third sector services, or in public spaces such as shops, libraries or galleries. Useful for individuals in direct contact with infants.

An icon of a folder with a magnifying glass with three pages emanating out from it.

This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.