
1) Youth Voice Guidance Framework

Forth Valley & West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative

Framework for supporting children and young people’s voice being meaningfully included within their establishments, communities, local authorities and across the Forth Valley & West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative. Pages 21-22 cover ‘action as a result of Youth Voice approaches’, to ensure actions are shared and impact is measured when the views of children and young people are sought.

2) Meaningful participation FAQs

The Right Way, Scottish Youth Parliament

Point 10 in the bottom section of this webpage covers what you should do after you’ve engaged young people in decision making. It recommends you use Professor Laura Lundy’s four F’s framework for giving feedback. Also applicable for work with younger children.

3) Scenario – Designing a child friendly feedback process

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

A one page pdf detailing a scenario where a courts and tribunals service wanted to ensure children and young people could give feedback. Useful for individuals considering child friendly feedback mechanisms.


1) In defence of tokenism? Children's right to participate in collective decision-making

Professor Laura Lundy

Page 14 of this document details Lundy’s four F’s feedback model for working with children: full, (child-)friendly, fast, and tied to a longer-term follow-up process. 

An icon of a folder with a magnifying glass, with three pages emanating from it.

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