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1) 7 Golden Rules for Participation
Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland
A webpage with resources focussing on a set of principles that anyone working with children and young people can use. They inform adults what children and young people’s participation should feel like. Useful for individuals or organisations looking to involve infants, children and young people in participation.
Young Scot
A pack with a range of activities that have been co-designed by children and young people to help ensure that the children and young people you are working with are aware of and understand their rights. With a focus of group work and interactivity, the resources in this pack are fun and interesting, whilst also being informative about children and young people’s rights.
2) Decision Making: Children and Young People's Participation
Scottish Government
Scottish Government guidance to support children and young people's participation, including practice examples and research. Useful for individuals or organisations who are required to or want to engage with children and young people as part of their decision-making.
My Rights, My Say
Website for My Rights, My Say, which is an independent, confidential service that supports children with additional support needs aged 12-15 to use their rights. Useful for individuals looking to support children and young people to access their rights.
Child Rights Connect
A 96 page guide for civil society organisations empowering children in CRC reporting, which also contains useful ideas and guidance about children and young people's participation.
This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.