Eurochild's Advocacy Strategy on child poverty and well-being

Date: 23rd June 2013
Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Respect for the views of the child
Author: European Commission

The European Commission's Recommendation on Investing in Children was adopted in February 2013, and an Advocacy Strategy is now available to help implement it.

Member States at the Employment and Social Affairs Council recently endorsed the European Commission's Recommendation on Investing in Children, but they now seek to get national, regional and local governments to implement it.

To guide this work, the European Commission have drafted an Advocacy Strategy. It sets the frame for the next two years with goals, activities and expected outcomes with indicators and monitoring tools.

It is working document and the European Commission seeks to regularly review and update it.

Please send any comments and suggestions on the Advocacy Strategy to '' before 6th September 2013.

The Eurochild Policy Steering Group will then endorse the Strategy at its meeting in September.