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xWebinar on relationship-based social work
Date: 11th September 2019
Basic Health and Welfare, Social security and childcare

This webinar, originally held in September 2019, explores the development of relationship-based practice in Local Authority children’s social work.
The webinar recording offers an opportunity to hear more about the work on family therapy in London Borough of Camden, as well as the wider developments in practice across the country.
The course covers the following:
- What is meant by relationship-based systems?
- A detailed understanding of the approach taken by the London Borough of Camden
- The use of Family Group Conferencing in developing a shared approach
- The current state of affairs with relationship-based practice across Local Authorities in England
- Ofsted’s position on relationship-based system delivery
- How a Local Authority can develop a relationship-based system?
- Why is this important for the sector and for social work?
Access the webinar here.