#PowerOfYouth campaign resources for young people to get support, take action, be heard and celebrate efforts

Date: 25th June 2020
Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation


The #PowerOfYouth campaign is a nationwide collaborative effort, which aims to recognise young people for their efforts, empower more young people to make a difference and give opportunities for young people to shape their future. This site is curated by young people, for young people, offering resources to get support, take action, be heard and celebrate their efforts.

These supportive resources range from helping young people with money worries to streaming yoga videos to improve self-care. It provides resources to aid young people to advocate their rights and offers creative ways to ensure they are involved in decision making, have their voices heard and questions answered. The celebrate part of the site is where young people’s success stories are shared, and people can say thank you for the positive changes they have made.

  • Discover the #PowerOfYouth website here.