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xResearch launch: Child Rights Budgeting in Scotland - Recommendations for Fulfilment of Legal Obligations
Date: 29th May 2023
Basic Health and Welfare
University of Edinburgh

Today, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh’s LLM in Human Rights Law, we are launching a timely report on Child Rights Budgeting (CRB), which will be an essential part of turning the aspirations of the UNCRC (Scotland) Bill into lived experience for children and young people across Scotland. In partnership with Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights), students from the LLM in Human Rights Law have undertaken a comprehensive study to explore how children's rights can be effectively integrated into budgetary processes, drawing on international and domestic examples to identify successful legislative and policy approaches. By examining existing literature and addressing CRB issues head-on, this report offers invaluable insights to help the Scottish Government fulfil its forthcoming obligations under the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill.
The report is divided into two key areas: budget content and the budget process. In the budgetary content section, key considerations are highlighted, including the fulfilment of Scotland's minimum core obligations, progressive realisation, maximum available resources, non-retrogression, and non-discrimination. The budgetary process section focuses on non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment, and the transparency, accessibility, accountability, participation, and empowerment (TAAPE) framework.
Building upon these human rights budgeting principles, the report's ten recommendations provide a robust framework to support Scotland's compliance with its imminent statutory obligations and to improve children and young people’s experiences of their rights in all settings. Together will be encouraging Scottish Government to support the report’s recommendations to ensure rights-based budgeting all levels, ensuring Scotland lives up to its commitment to children’s and young people’s rights throughout the cost-of-living crisis.