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xNew book for younger children: Let’s Explore our Rights
Date: 19th June 2023
Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
Children and Young People's Commissioner for Scotland (CYPCS)

“Let’s Explore Our Rights” supports young children to learn about their human rights, aiming to support early years practitioners to spark first conversations about human rights with very young children.
The book is aimed at children up to age five and was created by the Children and Young People’s Commissioner alongside young children and illustrated by Corinna Campbell. The book takes readers on a journey to discover their rights like having a safe home, being healthy, learning, and playing.
The book was created in response to requests from early years practitioners for a resource to help them talk about human rights with young children. The book aims to explain in a gentle, age-appropriate way what rights are and why they are important, and to support even very young children to understand their rights and to challenge adults in power when they feel their rights aren’t being respected.
Children from Lochardil Primary School Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) played a vital role in creating the book, with their ideas helping to create and refine the illustrations, and some of their own drawings included. The book will be provided to every local authority nursery in Scotland before the end of term, with a Gaelic edition in production.