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xNew report highlights Human Rights concerns in the Highlands and Islands
Date: 11th December 2024
Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, General principles, General measures of implementation
Scottish Human Rights Commission

The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has published a report assessing the state of economic, social, and cultural rights in the Highlands and Islands. The report draws on testimonies from locals and evaluates rights related to work, housing, health, social security, food, education, and culture.
The report reveals significant gaps in meeting basic international human rights standards, particularly in:
- Right to food: Persistent hunger remains a critical issue;
- Right to housing: rooflessness (homelessness) requires urgent action;
- Right to health: access to affordable, quality sexual and reproductive health services needs prioritisation;
- Right to cultural life: cultural participation and access are lacking.
The SHRC calls for immediate steps to eliminate hunger and homelessness, make visible improvements in accessibility, availability, and quality of essential services. Also, develop strategies to enhance service delivery and ensure they meet human rights standards. The report also advocates for human rights budgeting, urging policymakers to allocate resources effectively to maximise impact and fulfil obligations under international human rights law.