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  • Webinars and toolkits to assist young people who have experience of local authority care and those working with them

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Clan Childlaw

    The webinars cover four issues that Clan Childlaw recognises have been difficult for young people throughout the pandemic, these are: contact with family, moving accommodation, care leavers’ rights to continue care and aftercare and housing and homelessness.

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  • Podcast on LGBT histories

    Date: 22nd July 2020

    This is Glasgow Disability Alliance’s first podcast about supporting each other in the LGBT disabled people’s network to speak out about life as a disabled LGBT+ person in Scotland and LGBT history.

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  • Resources and guidance to support the phased renewal of youth work services

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Author: Youthlink Scotland

    Under the Scottish Government’s route map, the youth work sector has been given the go-ahead to return to some face-to-face delivery outdoors from 13th July 2020. As such, guidance has been developed to support a planned and informed approach to the gradual, phased return of face-to-face delivery. Guidance to support employers to resume practice safely in line with public health advice has also been created.

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  • Creative connection ideas for prison visits

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Children of prisoners
    Author: Barnardo's

    The suspension of prison visits due to COVID-19 has meant more children are visiting loved ones through virtual means. This new resource contains creative ideas to encourage connection through a digital screen - or physical screen in the case of closed visits.

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  • My pocket guide to United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child reporting

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC
    Author: Child Rights Connect

    This resource guides children to tell the Committee on the Rights of the Child how their rights and the rights of their peers are respected in their country. It also helps to engage children in ongoing monitoring of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its optional protocols.

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  • Webinars for school leavers

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Education, including vocational education

    These webinars aim to support children and young people take their next steps after school and offer career advice on a range of topics including college and university applications, online or phone interviews and labour market information.

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  • Online training to reduce bullying

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Bullying

    The Anti-Bullying Alliance has developed a suite of free online training for anyone that works with children and young people. The programme was particularly developed to reduce bullying of disabled children and those with special educational needs but applies to all children. 

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  • Toolkit to guide your child back to school

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    This toolkit includes resources and activities for parents and carers to use with children and young people to make the transition back to school smoother. Within the toolkit there is an adapted guide to help parents and carers assist children and young people with learning difficulties to manage any challenges arising from COVID-19.

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  • Back to work after lockdown: how to manage your child’s anxieties

    Date: 10th July 2020

    In the weeks ahead, parents will begin returning to work after lockdown. For children of all ages, the easing of restrictions may create, or heighten, anxieties and fears. This resource offers guidance on how to manage your child’s anxieties.

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  • Child Rights Connect launches new webpage with child friendly publications

    Date: 10th July 2020

    Child Rights Connect’s new webpage compiles all its child and young person friendly publications together in a range of different languages. These resources aim to enhance child participation and empower children’s human rights defenders across the world.

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  • At home learning activities to develop understanding of Sustainable Development Goals

    Date: 10th July 2020

    These free activities and activities support teachers, parents and carers with home or remote learning. The introduce learners to important global issues and the Sustainable Development Goals. 

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  • A guide for schools explaining how youth work can be used

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Author: Youthlink Scotland

    This guide provides information on opportunities to collaborate with youth work in the COVID-19 Recovery Phase. It is intended to support education authorities and school leaders, reflecting Scottish Government guidance on working with partners, to plan and deliver Curriculum for Excellence in the Recovery Phase, and ensure continuity of learning.

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  • New webpage shares advice and tips for single parents

    Date: 10th July 2020

    One Parent Families Scotland has gathered advice and tips from single parents and others to help single parents look after themselves, feel less tired and lonely.

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  • Child Online Protection Guidelines empowering children to exercise their rights online

    Date: 10th July 2020

    The International Telecommunication Union Guidelines on Child Online Protection are a comprehensive set of recommendations for parents, educators and policy makers on how to contribute to the development of a safe and empowering online environment for children and adolescents. These updated Guidelines for children aim to create a space for dialogue between children, their parents and carers, their teacher and educators and their peers, and support children to deal with the potential risks while also empowering them to explore the opportunities of the internet.

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  • #YouCanBe campaign resources to challenge gender stereotypes in the early years

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities
    Author: Zero Tolerance

    Play is vital to help children develop their full potential and explore their interests. Therefore, it is important that children’s play is not limited by stereotypes about what boys and girls should do and be. Zero Tolerance has put together resources and play ideas that are stereotype-free and perfect for all genders.

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  • Clear your head - health and wellbeing resources

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare

    Clear Your Head has produced a wealth of tips and tricks to help children and young people keep moving, create routines, look after themselves, stay in touch and feel calmer.

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  • #PowerOfYouth campaign resources for young people to get support, take action, be heard and celebrate efforts

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation

    The #PowerOfYouth campaign is a nationwide collaborative effort, which aims to recognise young people for their efforts, empower more young people to make a difference and give opportunities for young people to shape their future. This site is curated by young people, for young people, offering resources to get support, take action, be heard and celebrate their efforts.

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  • Yello! An animation for children who do not feel safe at home

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Domestic Abuse

    Scottish Women's Aid Young Expert group (Yello!) have created an animation for children and young people who do not feel safe at home during lockdown.

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  • Adventures at Home newspaper

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities
    Author: Children's Parliament

    This newspaper for children includes children's rights-based activities, creative ideas and tips from Members of Children's Parliament on how to keep happy, healthy, safe and connected.

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  • What is discrimination? A learning activity for young people

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Non-discrimination

    This activity will develop children’s understanding of what is meant by the word discrimination and the impact this can have on different groups.

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