The child-friendly version of the State of Children’s Rights report 2019 was designed to appeal to our young readers, providing them an overview of the main issues and developments around children's rights in Scotland. It includes an introduction and 2-page info-sheet for each of the report's chapters. The introduction briefly explains the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, the role of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, and what the report is about. The info-sheets follow a similar structure, explaining what issues are covered in the particular chapter, what the UN Committee's recommendations were, how Scottish Government has addressed these issues, what children and Together have said and what next steps needed.      


Screenshot of introduction page.


Chapter 1: Making children's rights real                             Chapter 2: Participation

Screenshot of Chapter 1, making children's rights real                                                            screenshot of chapter 2, participation


Chapter 3: Civil rights and freedoms                                 Chapter 4: Violence against children

screenshot of chapter 3, civil rights and freedoms                                                           screenshot of chapter 4, violence against children


Chapter 5: Family environment and alternative care         Chapter 6: Disability, health and welfare

screenshot of chapter 5, family environment and alternative care.                                                           screenshot of chapter 6, disability, health and welfare


Chapter 7: Education, leisure and cultural activities          Chapter 8: Children who need extra protection

screenshot of chapter 7, education, leisure and cultural activities                                                           screenshot of chapter 8, children who need extra protections