In 2017, Together held a series of four one-day interdisciplinary and cross-sector webinars which sought to improve -- and address gaps -- in the implementation and monitoring of the UNCRC in Scotland. Each webinar examined the UNCRC from the perspectives of law, practice, policy and next steps for implementation. The webinar series was held in partnership between Together, the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh, and the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection (CCWP) at the University of Stirling. The series was funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII).

The webinar series dates were:

  1. The UNCRC in Law: Friday 10th February 2017
  2. The UNCRC in Practice: Monday 20th March 2017
  3. The UNCRC in Policy: Monday 24th April 2017
  4. The UNCRC Going Forwards: Thursday 1st June


1.      The UNCRC in Law

The first seminar explored the strengths and weaknesses of using legislation to progress UNCRC implementation.  A number of materials have been created from the seminar and these can be accessed below.

2.      The UNCRC in Practice

The second webinar explored methods through which children and young people’s views and experiences are - and could be – used to inform legislative and policy developments and how children’s rights are fulfilled in practice.  Materials created from the webinar can be accessed below.

3.      The UNCRC in Policy

The third webinar used learning from participants to explore how new policy developments – such as those relating to child rights impact assessments and planning in children’s services – can provide opportunities to further children’s rights and their participation in policy developments.  A range of materials relating to the webinar can be found below.

4.      The UNCRC Going Forwards

The fourth and final webinar in the series brought together the learning, experience and proposals of the previous three seminars to develop a plan for progressing UNCRC implementation in Scotland across law, policy and practice.  During the seminar, a clear agreement was reached that multiple opportunities and policy tools for progressing children’s rights could be used to better effect as part of a national child rights action plan for Scotland.  This action plan would outline the distinct steps that Scottish Government will take to progress the UNCRC. By taking responsibility individually, collectively and nationally we could ensure the culture change needed to make children's rights a reality for all children and young people.

Creative Project

Throughout the duration of the webinar series, several members of the Glasgow Youth Council and the Scottish Youth Parliament attended the webinars to create a series of videos covering the webinar's key messages, and to inform a creative project in partnership with the Children’s Parliament.   The notes they provided from each seminar also informed the child-friendly briefing from the series.

The Creative Project was undertaken after the final UNCRC in Scotland seminar took place.  Artists Joanna and Yonnie spent three days working with P6 pupils from Sciennes Primary School in Edinburgh discussing key themes that were raised in the seminars as well as the ideas from the child-friendly briefings. 

The pupils created seven panels of artwork which presented these themes in an engaging way.  This ‘UNCRC in Scotland’ mural has since been launched in the Scottish Parliament and displayed in the Parliament’s Garden Lobby and at Victoria Quay. 


[Image description: a collage of slideshow photos to celebrate the Together murals with children and young people].

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