What is #RightsOnTrack?

Together’s #RightsOnTrack campaign is all about keeping children’s rights on the right path.

It is about making sure that the Scottish Government and other duty bearers follow the latest recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – as well as taking action on other priority issues for babies, children and young people.

Read on to find out how you can get involved in Together’s #RightsOnTrack campaign!

Background to the campaign

[Image description: two images to show #RightsOnTrack branding with Together logo. Image 1 - "Let's get Children's #RightsOnTrack in Scotland!" with a train in the middle called "Rights Express". Image 2 - a timeline for #RightsOnTrack with a sign, full train with Rights Express and two location points".]

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  • What’s on the ‘to-do’ list to get children’s #RightsOnTrack?

    In 2023, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued almost 200 recommendations to the UK and Scottish Government. These  ‘Concluding Observations, effectively set out a ‘to do’ list to better uphold children’s rights.

    They cover a wide range of issues from justice to education to play to climate change.

    The UN’s recommendations don’t cover every issue that’s important to children, however, so it’s very important that we work with our members to draw attention to all the things that need to change–whether they’re on the UN’s list or not.

  • How was the ‘to do’ list made?

    Together coordinated #TeamScotlandUN – a delegation of children and young people from across Scotland - to influence the recommendations. This work was led in partnership with Children’s Parliament, Scottish Youth Parliament and the Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland.

    Together also supported evidence from our members through our State of Children’s Rights Report 2023.

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child looked at all this evidence – as well as evidence from other parts of the UK and government officials – before making its list of recommendations.

  • Why the name ‘#RightsOnTrack’?

    Children and young people said that everyone should know about the UN’s recommendations and each person should understand what they need to do to put them into practice.

    They also said that it might help if people had a guide to the UN Committee's recommendations as if they were on a journey.

    This is why we chose the name #RightsOnTrack, symbolising a train journey through these recommendations and the progress we make toward safeguarding children's rights.

Campaign activities

We’re working closely with children, young people and our members to drive the #RightsOnTrack campaign forward!

Read on to find out more about some of our campaign activities.

Get involved!

To properly monitor what‘s happening to keep children’s #RightsOnTrack we need everyone on board - help us to spread this campaign across Scotland and hold duty-bearers to account!

Ways you can get involved:

  • Subscribe to the mailing list!

    If you would like to stay updated on the progress of the campaign, then please join our #RightsOnTrack community by signing up to our mailing list.

  • Spread the word!

    Please share the #RightsOnTrack campaign and our sign-up link to anyone you think might be interested.

    Feel free to share on twitter and social media and don’t forget to use #RightsOnTrack tag!

  • Use the Concluding Observations in your work!

    The Concluding Observations can help bring the weight of the UN and international human rights law into your work in Scotland. They can help provide evidence and support for your campaigns as well as help you to prioritise advocacy efforts, zone in on areas where government efforts are lacking or where improvements are needed according to the UN Committee. You can also use them as a tool for engaging with government, policy-makers and other duty bearers to hold them accountable for putting the recommendations into practice.

  • Empower children and young people!

    Share our child-friendly Concluding Observations with children and young people to inform them of Scotland’s to-do list and empower them to actively participate in holding their government to account.

  • Submit evidence!

    Do you know of an issue affecting babies, children and young people? Is there a story or experience that you would like to share?

    Get in touch with info@togetherscotland.org.uk using the subject line "Rights On Track"