
1) Making decisions using a children's human rights approach 

JustRight Scotland

A resource to help workers make decisions that respect, protect and fulfil children's rights. It is designed for use individually, in training, for complex cases and during reviews or supervision.

2) Scenario - Children's Rights in Housing Allocation Policy

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)

A two page pdf detailing a scenario where a local authority housing team are reviewing their housing allocation policy to ensure it respected children's rights. Useful for individuals considering how to involve children and young people in policy and practice.

3) Case study - Holistic and Long-term Effects of Participation

Children's Parliament

This one page PDF focuses on a children's human rights approach focusing on the holistic and long term effects of participation and embedding children's rights. Suitable for anyone working directly with children from a wide variety of backgrounds.


1) Building a Child Friendly City - Guiding Principles


A UNICEF website detailing the guiding principles for their Child Friendly Cities and Communities project. Useful for local authorities considering becoming more child friendly.

2) Children's Human Rights in Scotland online group

Knowledge Hub

An online community of people who are working to ensure that children’s rights are realised in Scotland, part of the Improvement Service UNCRC Implementation Project. Suitable for those directly working in UNCRC roles and leaders. Please note you are required to sign up to join this group.

3) Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment external guidance and templates

Scottish Government

Guidance on how to complete a Children's Rights and Wellbeing Screening Sheet and Impact Assessment (CRWIA). Includes links to useful resources for gathering evidence, involving children and young people in the development of your policy/measure and ensuring decisions are necessary and proportionate. 32 pages.

4) Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessments: List

Scottish Government

Scottish Government website sharing an excel document with a list of published Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessments from December 2015 onwards, sorted by year. Useful for seeing examples of Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessments.

5) Children's Rights and Placemaking in Scotland

Improvement Service

A 29 page pdf detailing how children's rights can be realised through place based approaches, including case studies, useful resources, and where to find further support. Useful for individuals working in planning and placemaking and looking to learn more about children’s rights and how they can create more rights respecting and child friendly places.

Icon of a folder with a magnifying glass, with three pages emanating out from it.

This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.