The project team and the Professionals Panel created a workforce survey to help training leads establish a baseline before they design children's rights or UNCRC training.

The following questions can be used and adapted in any organisation. The survey should also include why you are collecting the data, how it will be used, and ways for learners to request alternative formats and their data to be amended or deleted.

The data can be analysed to compare confidence levels in different roles, for learners who have completed different tasks and for different areas. This will help training leads design tailored training programmes.


Q1. Please indicate how much you feel your work impacts on children

  • Work directly with children
  • Manage those working directly with children
  • Work impacts children but don't work directly with them
  • Work doesn't impact children

Q2.How do you feel about the following statements in relation to your work:

Options: Strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree

  • "I am confident with the articles of the UNCRC and which ones are relevant to my work"
  • "I am confident with the general principles of the UNCRC and use them in my daily work"
  • "I am confident I can identify where my work interacts with children's rights"
  • "I am confident I know what to do in my job if I see that child's rights are at risk or about to be breached"

Q3. Where have you seen UNCRC referenced in any existing training?

Q4. Have you seen any changes in the prominence of the UNCRC in training in recent years?

Q5. When attending any children's rights training, have there been any topics covered that were particularly useful for your practice?

Q6. Is there any existing training you think the UNCRC and children’s rights could be integrated into?

Q7. Within your work, have you been involved in any of the following?

Tick all that apply

  • Child Rights Impact Assessment 
  • Child Rights Impact Evaluation
  • Child Rights Budgeting
  • Consulting with children
  • Co-production with children
  • Creating informational materials for children
  • Creating informational materials with children
  • None of the above

Q8. Are there any areas of children's rights you would like to know more about?

Q9. Please indicate your type of professional role

Tick all that apply

  • Front line role
  • Manage those working in a front line role
  • Middle management
  • Senior management
  • Board member
  • Volunteer

Q 10. What areas does your work cover?

Please tick all the boxes which apply to you

  • Advocacy
  • Culture
  • Education
  • Health
  • Justice
  • Place
  • Childcare
  • Early years
  • Emergency services
  • Fair work/ Employability
  • Housing
  • Leisure
  • Planning
  • Social care
  • Social work
  • Third sector
  • Transport
  • Youth work

Q11. Which geographical region do you work in?

Please tick all the boxes which apply to you

  • Central Scotland
  • Highlands and Islands
  • Mid Scotland and Fife
  • South Scotland
  • Glasgow
  • Lothian
  • North East Scotland
  • West Scotland

Q12. Do you have any final comments or questions?

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