If you're passionate about children's rights in Scotland, there are a number of ways you can get involved in the work of Together.

  • Become a Together member!
    Membership of Together shows your commitment to children's rights in Scotland and gives you the opportunity to share your views and experiences on a local, national, and international level.  We'll also make sure we keep you updated with the latest developments, news and events.  Find out more and become a member here!

    You can also read more about our member organisations through our membership directory.

  • Sign up to our UNCRC training!

Join Together for an interactive online training workshop that will support you to develop your understanding of the UNCRC and how to implement the five principles of a children’s human rights approach in your work and organisation.

£55 for Together NGO members, £85 for non-members. Sign up to our training. 

  • Sign up to our e-newsletter!
    Every fortnight, we publish our e-newsletter which contains all the latest child-rights related news, events and resources at a Scottish, UK and international level.  Sign up to our e-newsletter.

  • Follow us on social media
    Together's, Bluesky, LinkedinFacebook and Instagram pages contain the latest updates from our members as well as Together's recent activities.  

  • Donate to Together
    By donating to Together, you can help us to promote children's rights in Scotland and improve the lives of children and young people across the country.  Donate to Together's work.

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State of Children’s Rights Report

Read our latest State of Children's Rights in Scotland report

State of Childrens Rights reports

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