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xEuropean Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) call for submissions
Date: 23rd July 2013
General measures of implementation
The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) (previously European Alliance for Families) is an evidence-based online platform, providing information about policies that can help children and their families face up to the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe, and are seeking to engage with stakeholders.
EPIC builds on the European Commission Recommendation entitled 'Investing in children - breaking the cycle of disadvantage', as part of the Social Investment Package. A key component of the platform is the 'Practices that Work' section which is used for collecting innovative as well as Evidence Based Practices relevant to children and their families.
Innovative practices which have not been evaluated are posted on a 'User Registry'. Practices which have met our evaluation criteria are posted in the Evidence Based Practices section.
EPIC is designed as an open and user-friendly tool for mutual learning and knowledge exchange. The engagement of key stakeholders is crucial, therefore, EPIC is asking for assistance, through the suggestion of relevant practices, programmes or policies relevant to children and families for inclusion in their 'Practices that Work' registry.
To help contribute by submitting practices which you are working on, there is an EPIC submissions page.
- Visit the submissions page here.
- Alternatively send EPIC an email at: EMPL-EPIC@ec.europa.eu