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  • UNCRC Act is now in force!

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    Tuesday 16th July 2024 marked a historic day for children’s rights in Scotland with the commencement of the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024. This landmark legislation puts children’s rights at the heart of Scots law, creating legally binding duties for public authorities.

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  • Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs responds to joint letter on families affected by imprisonment

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs has responded to a joint letter coordinated by Families Outside, supported by organisations including Together. The letter called for urgent cross-portfolio recognition and response to the challenges facing families when travelling to visit loved ones in Scottish prisons.

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  • Early Moments Matter polling briefing

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, General measures of implementation, General principles

    Early childhood is a critical time for development, and experiences in the earliest years have an exponential impact on a child's future outcomes. However, this research demonstrates that families up and down the country are not getting the support they need.

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  • What does the new UK Government have planned for children?

    Date: 24th July 2024

    The Labour Party’s manifesto included a range of commitments for children. This article looks at what was said alongside more recent statements. Together will be working closely with our sister organisations across the UK to hold the new UK Government to account.

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  • Human Rights Measurement Initiative launches new UK Data

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    The Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) is delighted to launch its latest data for the United Kingdom, informed by insights from over 500 global respondents in the 2024 annual survey.

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  • ENOC Bureau statement on continuous massive violations of children rights in Gaza

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Violence against children

    The Bureau of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC) has expressed deep concerns about the ongoing grave violations of children's rights in Gaza amid the protracted conflict. For over six months, children in Gaza have faced unimaginable atrocities, daily violence, injury, and famine, with humanitarian aid struggling to reach those in urgent need.

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  • Education (Scotland) Bill - call for views

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, General measures of implementation

    Closing date August 30th 2024

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  • Post legislative scrutiny of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Closing date: 13th  September 2024.

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  • Share your views on the ‘moving on’ from care into adulthood consultation

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care, General measures of implementation

    Closing date: 3rd October 2024

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  • Register now for Rights of the Child UK Conference 2024!

    Date: 24th July 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    This year’s Rights of the Child UK (ROCK) conference will explore how the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is being progressed across the UK jurisdictions and Jersey. Speakers and delegates will explore recent developments and assess opportunities to further embed the UNCRC into law, policy and practice. Join us to share learning about what’s happening in Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Jersey, as well as international examples.

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  • Save the Date: Rights of the Child UK Coalition Conference 2024

    Date: 25th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    We are excited to announce that the Rights of the Child UK Coalition (ROCK) Conference 2024 on progressing children’s rights across the UK and Jersey is scheduled to take place on the 17th September in Edinburgh.

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  • Happy International Day of Play!

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, Recreation, play and cultural activities

    The first ever International Day of Play was celebrated on the 11th June 2024. Read our latest Membership Spotlight from Play Scotland which marked the occasion.

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  • Families Outside letter to the Cabinet Secretaries for Justice & Home Affairs, Social Justice and Transport

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, Special protection measures, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Families Outside has sent a joint letter, supported by over 15 organisations including Together to the Cabinet Secretaries for Justice & Home Affairs, Social Justice, and Transport calling for urgent cross-portfolio recognition and response to the challenges facing families when travelling to visit loved ones in Scottish prisons.

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  • Countdown to the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    In less than a month (16th July 2024), the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 will come into effect. The Act will incorporate the UNCRC into Scots law, helping to ensure that children and young peoples’ rights are rights legally recognised and protected.

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  • The Education (Scotland) Bill has been introduced!

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    The Scottish Government published a consultation last year for the Bill’s provisions, seeking views on the number of proposals it had developed on how to establish a new qualifications body and the ways in which the Scottish Government could maximise the positive impact of inspection.

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  • A Children’s Rights Charter for the next UK Government

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    As the 2024 General Election approaches, the Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) has urged the next UK Government to take immediate and decisive action on children's rights.

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  • New online platform to guide child rights legislative reform

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    A new Children’s rights legislative reform platform has been developed by Leiden University in partnership with UNICEF and in collaboration with University College Cork to provide guidance to countries that have signed and committed to upholding the rights and standards set out in the UNCRC.

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  • Manifesto commitments for children ahead of General Election

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    With the General Election set for 4th July 2024, this article looks at what commitments the main political parties have made for children and young people in their manifestos launched to date.

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  • Together congratulates newly elected members of the UN Committee

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (‘UN Committee’) has recently held an election for new members to replace those whose terms will soon expire. Nine seats in the UN Committee will expire on 28th February 2025.

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  • Call for input on General Comment No. 27

    Date: 24th June 2024
    Category: General measures of implementation, UNCRC Optional Protocols and General Comments

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (‘UN Committee’) is in the process of drafting General Comment No.27, focusing on children’s right to access justice and effective remedies. To ensure a comprehensive approach, the UN Committee is calling for input from all interested stakeholders. This is an opportunity to help define the terms, approaches and actions that governments should adopt in order to implement the right of all children to access justice and effective remedies. Find out how you can provide input into Together’s submission.

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Viewing page 1 of 147 giving 2934 results