Publication of 2013 DAPHNE III call for action grants

Date: 1st September 2013

The call for proposals for action grants under the DAPHNE III programme 2013 is now open for submission, with a deadline of 30th October 2013.

This call for proposals for action grants is based on the DAPHNE III Annual Work programme for 2013. It aims to co-fund transnational projects that fall under the objectives of the DAPHNE III Programme and the priorities of this call. The total indicative budget available is €11 404 000.

Priority areas for grants are:

  1. Support for victims of violence (SVV).
  2. Violence linked to harmful practices (VHP).
  3. Children as victims and/or witnesses of violence in close/intimate relationships (CVWV).
  4. Children as victims of bullying at school (CVBS).
  5. Perpetrator interventions and victim protection measures (PiVP).
  6. Prevention of violence against children, young people and women through projects targeting attitudinal and behavioural changes in the context of sexualisation (PVS).
  7. Awareness-raising on violence against women (ARVW).

Download more information here.

Access the application documents here.