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xPublication of 2013 DAPHNE III call for action grants
Date: 1st September 2013
The call for proposals for action grants under the DAPHNE III programme 2013 is now open for submission, with a deadline of 30th October 2013.
This call for proposals for action grants is based on the DAPHNE III Annual Work programme for 2013. It aims to co-fund transnational projects that fall under the objectives of the DAPHNE III Programme and the priorities of this call. The total indicative budget available is €11 404 000.
Priority areas for grants are:
- Support for victims of violence (SVV).
- Violence linked to harmful practices (VHP).
- Children as victims and/or witnesses of violence in close/intimate relationships (CVWV).
- Children as victims of bullying at school (CVBS).
- Perpetrator interventions and victim protection measures (PiVP).
- Prevention of violence against children, young people and women through projects targeting attitudinal and behavioural changes in the context of sexualisation (PVS).
- Awareness-raising on violence against women (ARVW).
Download more information here.
Access the application documents here.