UP! Child Rights - sign the petition now

Date: 21st October 2013
Category: UK 1st periodic review

Sign the 'UP! Child Rights' petition to encourage the UK Government to make children a priority with laws and systems to promote rights for every child.

Child Rights are violated every day. Everywhere. But
the UN child rights treaties have been used to bring positive change to the lives of children around the world. However, not all countries have ratified the treaties, signalling to the world that the basic rights of children are not priorities.

YOU can be part of a positive change for children in the UK. Sign the petition to tell your government to ratify the treaties and move children UP on the national agenda.

How does the petition work?

It will go directly to all of the UN governments telling them that their citizens and citizens around the world want universal protection and respect for child rights.
Information will also go to organisations who work with governments, so that they can use the petition in their work - showing from inside and out, nationally and internationally, that we want to put children first.
