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xLaunch of Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human Rights
Date: 10th December 2013
General measures of implementation
Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights (SNAP) sets out key commitments from government, civil society and the private sector, all aimed at improving human rights protection in Scotland.
The Action Plan - a first for the UK - comes after four years of research overseen by the Scottish Human Rights Commission.
The evidence gathered by the Commission reveals that while Scotland has a good record in policy and law making, human rights are not consistently being promoted, respected or protected in people's everyday lives. Key areas of concern include care, disability rights, health, criminal justice and business.
SNAP was developed by a coalition of organisations including Amnesty International, local authorities, the NHS, Scottish Government, Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and trades unions.
These bodies and others have made firm commitments to integrating human rights more closely into their work as a result of the Action Plan, which will grow from these early pledges into a wider coalition by 2017 covering all aspects of Scottish life and work. Progress in making these changes will be independently monitored and regular reports given to the Scottish Parliament.
Children and young people are referenced in SNAP with specific regard to:
- The proposed duty to raise awareness of children's rights in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill (page 30);
- Improving support for children and young people leaving care, family contact for those children with parents in prison (page 36);
- Prioritising child poverty (page 39);
- The lack of affordable, quality, flexible and accessible child care (page 39);
- All of those involved in the criminal justice system recognising their duties under the UNCRC (page 41);
- Repealing the defence of 'justifiable assault', enhancing parenting support and child protection (page 42).
Download Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights here.
Read the full news article here.
SNAP was launched on 10th December 2013 which is International Human Rights Day. This year the UN Human Rights Office celebrates its 20th anniversary.