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xSCRA publishes new corporate plan 2014-17
Date: 28th April 2014
General measures of implementation
The new SCRA corporate plan 2014-17 is focused on five key outcomes, including that the views of children and young people influence their individual cases and delivery of services.
The three year plan sets out the framework within which SCRA will plan and deliver services over the period 2014 to 2017. It defines the outcomes that SCRA seeks to deliver and the strategies by which they intend to do so.
The plan is focused on five key outcomes:
- The views of children and young people influence both their individual cases and how to better deliver services that meet their needs now and in the future;
- Our decisions are proportionate, timely and make a positive impact on the welfare, safety and protection of children, young people and communities;
- We improve the lives of the most vulnerable children and young people in Scotland through the earliest and most effective interventions;
- Together with our partners we will get it right for every child in the Hearings System and;
- Our staff and partners recognise SCRA's quality of service and overall performance as continually improving.
The first outcome is in line with Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which promotes the right of the child to express his or her views freely in any decisions affecting them, and for these views to be fully taken into account.
Neil Hunter, SCRA's Principal Reporter/Chief Executive said: "Our focus on delivering the best possible services for children and young people is at the heart of all that we do ...". This reflects Article 3 of the UNCRC; for the best interests of the child to be a primary consideration and for the child to be at the centre of any considerations and decisions affecting them.