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xNominations open for respectme Anti-Bullying Awards 2014
Date: 29th May 2014
Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
Nominations are now open for the 2014 respectme Anti-Bullying Awards, set out to celebrate some of the great anti-bullying work being carried out across Scotland and recognising efforts of the adults and children and young people involved.
The Awards are open to all types of anti-bullying projects and initiatives - whether based in schools, youth groups, or local communities. Respectme are looking for examples which can illustrate the impact that the person/group being nominated has made on implementing or driving the project or activities forward, and be able to illustrate how this has made a difference for others.
The deadline for nominations is Friday 27th June 2014. Short-listing will take place in July and August and Award winners will be notified in September. Awards will be presented at the Anti-Bullying Week winners' event at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 20th November.
In its 2008 UK concluding observations, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended that the UK intensify its efforts to tackle bullying and violence in schools.
As stated in Together's 'State of Children's Rights' report 2013, children's organisations maintain that more still needs to be done to raise awareness among professionals around the impact and signs of bullying. The report highlights that particular attention needs to be paid to more vulnerable groups of children, including children with long-term conditions, young carers, looked after children, Gypsy/Traveller children, and LGBT children.
Together also commented on the significant rise in cyberbullying and recommended that the Scottish Government continue to commit resources to raise awareness among professionals and children of the nature and impact of cyberbullying.