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xNew sport strategy for children and young people in Scotland
Date: 17th June 2014
Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
'Giving children and young people a sporting chance: Scotland's sport strategy for children and young people' has been published to help fulfill the vision of lifelong participation in sport for all children and young people.
A formal consultation on a draft Strategy was launched on 9th December 2013 alongside work with the Young People's Sport Panel, Young Scot, the Children's Parliament and Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People. Almost 3,000 children and young people contributed their views to the consultation. A range of documents have been published alongside the strategy, including a full analysis of the consultation responses.
Together submitted a response to the consultation on the draft strategy, highlighting that the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child is clear that sport is an important component of physical activity and is essential for healthy growth and development.
Our response included that according to Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), State Parties must "recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health ...".
Together recommended that the Scottish Government fulfill its obligations under Article 12 of the UNCRC (to listen to children and young people's views and to take these views into account) by ensuring meaningful participation of children and young people. Together also recommended that participation of the Young People's Sport Panel continues throughout the consultation process and during monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy.
There are two corresponding outcomes within the Strategy: "Children and young people have a strong voice in how, when and where sport is delivered" and "Children and young people are involved in the design and operation of facilities".
The Strategy focuses on reaching children and young people who are disengaged from sport and Together is keen to continue working with the Scottish Government and partners to ensure that this includes children that may be facing discrimination, such as children with a disability, children living in poverty and Gypsy/Traveller children.