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xAuchterellon pupils release song about children’s rights
Date: 6th July 2014
Pupils at an Aberdeenshire school have released a charity single to raise awareness of children's rights across the world.
Children at Auchterellon School in Ellon wrote and recorded 'We Are The Children' after learning about children's rights and what children can expect to have access to.
The whole school have been learning about children's rights and there have been discussions around the UNICEF Children's Charter, which is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
At the beginning of term, P6F pupils discussed why UNICEF made the Children's Charter and decided it was because there were too many children that weren't looked after properly.
On behalf of the class, two pupils commented: "We were excited by the sound we had created and showed it to Mr Cordiner and Mrs McGowan our head and depute head- who thought we should share it with our school.
"A man called Sam came to the school and made a professional recording of our song - with the whole school singing it.
"We hope everyone in Ellon will lookout for posters and information about how to download the song, then spread the word to all their friends and families and help us raise money for this great charity."