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xTogether statement on media coverage relating to assisted suicide
Date: 31st July 2014
Together has released a statement responding to distorted press reports regarding its response to the Scottish Parliament's call for views on the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill.
In light of recent press coverage regarding assisted suicide and the response that Together submitted to the call for views on the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill, Together has released a statement to make its position clear.
Together takes no position on assisted suicide, nor on whether children should have a right to assisted suicide.
The Together reponse to the Health and Sport Committee made clear that when the issue is being discussed, the rights of children should be taken into account - just as they should be when other important
matters affecting their health and wellbeing are being considered.
The consultation response to the Health and Sport Committee does not specifically express the views of
all of Together's members; rather it is based on the overarching principles of the UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to which the UK is signatory.