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xNew Intergroup on Children's Rights at the European Parliament
Date: 11th December 2014
General measures of implementation
Announced in December 2014, this is a major step to mainstream children's rights more effectively across European Union's policies and legislation.
The intergroup on children's rights was introduced on 11th December 2014 for the current parliamentary term (2014-2019) and will have explicit responsibility for children, as no parliamentary committee has such responsibility.
The aim of the Intergroup is to keep children's rights on top of the European Parliament's priorities and ensure that children's rights are mainstreamed in every policy adopted. As a cross-party mechanism, the Intergroup will have 'focal points' across all parliamentary committees, which will help to support such mainstreaming through raising awareness and building horizontal support.
Intergroups are informal structures within the European Parliament to foster exchanges between Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and with civil society on particular subjects.
The creation of this intergroup is the result of the advocacy efforts of Eurochild and other child rights networks that contributed to the Child Rights Manifesto, for the establishment of a permanent mechanism with explicit responsibility for protecting and promoting children's rights across all policy sectors in internal and external affairs.
Further information on the intergroup for children's rights will be accessible on the Together website when available.