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xElectoral Future of Scotland
Date: 5th January 2016
Civil Rights and Freedoms
In July 2014, Together responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on Scotland's electoral future - these views have been included in the summary of responses.
Together submitted a response to the consultation, titled 'Scotland's Electoral Future: delivering improvements in participation and administration', based on the general principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
The consultation document focused on the quality of democracy in Scotland and how to widen engagement and improve participation in elections. Together responded to the questions regarding how best to engage young people in local democracy and extending the franchise for all Scottish elections to those aged 16 and 17 years.
Together has recently received confirmation from Scottish Government that Together's contribution have been taken into account in the summary of responses.
Since the consultation, the Scottish Independence Referendum followed by the Smith Commission and the Scotland Bill which gives Ministers new powers over elections have taken place. The Scottish Government anticipate that there is likely to be a review of electoral matters after the Scottish Parliament Elections in May 2016.