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xUK responds to UN Committee report on children’s rights across the UK
Date: 16th March 2016
UK 5th periodic review
As part of the current UK periodic review by the UN on implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the UK Government has responded to a List of Issues. This is a list of questions that the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child asks of UK governments in order to receive additional information to inform their review of the UK before an examination takes place later this year.
The UN Committee requests a written response to its List of Issues from the State in review: both documents are now published on the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights website.
The Scottish Government sent a response to the UK Government to inform the UK response to the UN Committee's List of Issues (to be published).
Non-government organisations can also provide a brief written response to the List of Issues and are advised by the UN Committee to wait until they have seen the State's written replies before sending any additional information.
The UK Government examination will take place between 17 May and 3 June 2016 as part of the UN Committee's Seventy-second session. It has been tentatively scheduled for Monday 23 May from 3 pm to 6 pm and Tuesday 24 May from 10 am to 1 pm.
A set of recommendations, or Concluding Observations, will be released by the UN Committee to UK governments following the examination. Together will keep readers updated in the run-up to, during and after the examination.