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xDelivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education – A Delivery Plan for Scotland
Date: 29th June 2016
Following the Education Summit on June 15th, the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills announced on June 28th the publication of 'Delivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education - A Delivery Plan for Scotland'.
Scottish Government states that children and young people's educational experience should open the doors to opportunities which enable children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society. These are the aims of the Curriculum for Excellence.
The delivery plan
The delivery plan followed engagement with a number of key education partners at an education summit focussing on raising attainment. It aims to achieve excellence and equity in Scottish education by focussing action around three key priorities:
- closing the attainment gap;
- ensuring a curriculum which delivers for children and teachers;
- empowering teachers, schools and communities to deliver for children and young people.
The plan is also closely aligned with the improvement drivers outlined in the National Improvement Framework.