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xAnnual report 2015/16 and film published
Date: 1st November 2016
The Commissioner and his team produce an annual report each year to tell people what they have been doing - alongside the report, the office has produced a film made by young people who chose what they felt would be interesting.
The report
2016 marks the end of a four-year Strategic Plan for the Commissioner's Office and the preparation for the next four years.
The new Strategic Plan includes the Commissioner's duty as a Corporate Parent and a new work stream on mental health. The plan will be further informed by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's 2016 Concluding Observations, otherwise known as recommendations and the work of other treaty bodies commenting on human rights in Scotland.
The film
The film was made by young people involved in Media Education and signed in BSL by young people, with the support of Deaf Action. Children and young people were asked to make the film to tell the story of the Commissioner's Office's year, choosing what they thought would be interesting. The film was made by children, for children.