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xLaunch of ‘Playing Together’ - A Post-Symposium Report 2016
Date: 13th December 2016
Recreation, play and cultural activities
The 'Playing Together' Symposium was a multi-sectoral event which aimed to bring together the play and youth work strategies. This report is intended to give an overview of the symposium's themes and to prompt further meaningful debate, dialogue and collaboration between the two sectors.
The symposium and the report is an opportunity for the two sectors to 'join the dots'; to make the connections; and to begin a conversation of how the play and youth work strategies can complement one another and that practices and provisions for children and young people do so too.
This report is intended to give an overview of the symposium's themes and to prompt further meaningful debate, dialogue and collaboration between the two sectors. As national membership organisations for play work and youth work, Youthlink Scotland and Play Scotland are committed to ensuring that there is further time and space for continued conversation and action to progress the steps identified in this report.
The report was launched on 24 November at Play Scotland's AGM by the Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland, Tam Baillie.