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xLaunch of Care Review website
Date: 14th April 2017
Care Experienced children
Fiona Duncan, Chair of the care review, has launched a temporary website with further information about plans for how the initial stages of the review will operate.
This includes how she will deliver on the promise that the review will be driven by care experienced people.
On Saturday 15th October at the SNP Conference, the First Minister announced an independent 'root and branch' review of care in Scotland. The First Minister has made clear that this will be led by the voices of care experienced people. Fiona Duncan has been appointed as Chair of the Review by the First Minister.
Who Cares? Scotland have congratulated Fiona Duncan on her appointment, stating that:
"Fiona's experience in the third sector and beyond and her own personal care experience brings a unique set of characteristics and capability to the Review. We hope care experienced children, young people and communities - as well as carers, corporate parents and the third sector will welcome Fiona's appointment. All of Who Cares? Scotland and our members, look forward to working with Fiona and the Review Team to help realise the full ambitions of the review as announced by the First Minister".
As part of the Care Review, the First Minister has also committed to listening to 1,000 care experienced voices over the next 2-years. This has now been formally recognised as playing a part in the review. The 1,000 Voices campaign will be managed by Who Cares? Scotland whose ambition is to ambition incorporate as many voices as possible into the campaign, from a range of care experiences across Scotland.
The new website dedicated to the Care Reviews says:
"This Independent Care Review is a review like no other: we will identify and deliver lasting change in the care system and leave a legacy that will transform the life chances and wellbeing of children and young people in care.
The voices of care experienced children and families and care leavers - young and old - are at the heart of this Review. It is their experience that will guide the Review, helping to bring clarity and focus to what matters most within our complex and challenging task."