Human rights institutions release joint statements on business and human rights

Date: 12th July 2017
Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

Two statements have been released, one by the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions and the other by three UK-based human rights institutions, on the impact of business on human rights.

The first statement, released by the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), addresses the human rights implications of privatising and contracting out public services.

The statement highlights examples across Europe where National Human Rights Institutions have identified human rights impacts in the area of procurement. It also encourages States to consult with their National Human Rights Institutions when developing their National Action Plans for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The second statement, released jointly by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, the Scottish Human Rights Commission and the Equality and Human Rights Commission, was released in response to the report of the UN Human Rights Council Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

This statement also addresses the human rights implications of contracting out public services and urges states to consider these when making business decisions.

The issue of business and human rights is addressed in Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights and consultations have been ongoing with civil society, trade unions, business and public officials on the matter.